Night Cafe

This painting shows a lot of lines going really deep in the painting. The lines create movement and the mood of the painting. This painting is basically straight lines going “into” the picture. If you can see the light bulbs; he shows the light in lines. It makes it seem like there’s a lot of space in the background.

                                           Figure #11

This painting shows texture. Texture is how the painting would feel like if you could reach in and touch it. How Brett drew the lines makes it look like the painting would feel rough.

                                         The Arrival

This painting uses value. Value is when you use two different shades of one color to show were the light is coming from. As you can see in the painting, it shows light blue fading into a darker shade of blue as you go deeper into the ocean.

                                          The Worlds In Painting

This whole painting is made of organic shapes. Most of his paintings. I like organic shapes in paintings because most of them are random and have a unique personality to it. In this particular painting it looks like splatters rather then “shapes”.